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Friday, September 10, 2010

The Lord Will Provide

(Gen 22:14)  And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.

The name Jehovajireh means ‘the Lord will see (to it)’ or ‘the Lord will provide’. It was given by Abraham to the place known as Mt. Moriah after he witnessed God’s grace in providing a substitutionary sacrifice to take the place of his son. This replacement was provided only after Abraham showed absolute trust in God and followed through up to the point of God having to stop him. We see in Abraham that, while his faith was counted for righteousness, that we would not have known how much faith he had if had not put his faith into action.

What were Abraham’s alternatives? He could have said that it simply did not make sense to let him have a son and promise that Abraham’s seed would be as the sand of the sea shore and then to take his only son away from him by having him slaughtered as a sacrifice. But he didn’t. He took God’s word at face value and obeyed Him to the letter. It wasn’t half-hearted. The Bible doesn’t say that Abraham took the knife to prick his son so that a little blood would drip out onto the fire pit. He took the knife to slay him. I can’t imagine how much faith that had to take.

So he did what God told him to do and decided that the rest would be up to God. That is something that each of us needs to do. We need to come to the place where we decide to give all we have to Him and leave the promise keeping up to Him. No where can I remember where God requires us to be successful here on this planet. All He has called us to do is to love and serve Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. No matter what it is we do, we should do it with one hundred percent of our ability and for the glory of the Lord having absolute trust in Him.

A good example is a gardener. In order to get results in a garden, there are things that must be done. The weeds must be pulled. The soil must be prepared. The seeds mush be planted.  Water needs to be given to the seeds, and once they are sprouted, the gardener doesn’t get to slack off. He has to continue on doing the same things he was before in keeping the weeds at bay and providing the nutrients and water needed. In addition, he now has to look after the plants to make sure they are healthy and that no pests are sneaking in. Pruning must be done to keep plants from dying off one limb at a time. Fruit must be harvested from some plants so that more fruit will come. The work never stops. And, as long as the work never stops, the fruit may continue to come. But there is no guarantee. Many a gardener has spent countless hours toiling away to only come away with a handful of fruit to show for it. You see, the results are not completely up to the gardener. There are some things that are beyond his control. But one thing is sure. If he had not put his all into the work, no fruit would have come.

Are we trusting God to provide? Are we putting our all into our work so that He can?

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