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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rely on God

Proverbs 21:30-31  There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.  (31)  The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.

Of all the wisdom and understanding that exists in this world, none of it can stand against the Lord our God. His wisdom far exceeds all. And if wisdom is what you seek, go to the Lord because he gives it freely to those who ask of Him. Maybe you are agonizing over a decision that you must make. Or you have to take a step in your life that you know is right, even though it seems difficult. Go to the Lord and let Him know how you feel. I know what you are thinking. "But He is God! He already knows how I feel." That is not the point. You must go to Him and pour out your heart. Open it up before Him and let Him see all of it. Hide nothing. And then ask Him for what ever it is you need. Whether that be grace, wisdom, strength, or just to tell you exactly what it is that He wants you to do. Trust me. If you are sincere in your desire and you are where you should be in your walk with Him, He will.

One final note. Once He has granted your request, bear in mind that nothing He has called you to do can be done in your own strength. While you may have diligently "prepared your horse for battle", God is still the one that will ultimately bring the victory. 

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